Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Chapter One: Love At First Sight...

It is customary when preparing to embarrass yourself in front of all the world wide web to introduce yourself and so I will go with custom and inform you, dear readers (if I even have any), a little bit about myself.

My name is Ariday and I was born October 20, 1988. For those of you with math skills resembling my own that means I am 21yrs old. I am a firm believer in Karma: What goes around, Comes around; and the Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be Treated.

What I love most in this world are people. My family especially. [[Keep in mind, family to me isn't just blood relatives, it's the people you carry with you in your heart and mind each day.]]

My favorite things in the world are to read, write, and listen to music (avid rock fan here, though I dabble in all genres).

There is nothing more beautiful then self-expression, though I will admit I've seen and heard some freaky things in the act of pursuing a person's right to express themselves.

And speaking of self-expression,
Blog: a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.

I, Ariday, am here to Blog. "What about?", you might ask. I will tell you: Self-Expression. My self-expression.

I want to write about Art (i.e., paintings, drawings, sculpture, photograpphy, etc.) Culture, Fashion, History, Literature, and Music. By appreciating the works of other's who have expressed themselves I will, hopefully, give you, and myself, a better understanding of what I love most in this world: PEOPLE.


"Men are born with two eyes, but only one tongue, in order that they should see twice as much as they say." -- Charles Caleb Colton

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